As one of our Lodge's longest running veterans activities, Veterans Bingo at the VA Hopital in Grand Island offers an excellent opportunity for any Elk to volunteer their time by "giving back" to our veterans. Hastings Lodge has the privilege of offering our assistance by running Bingo Night on any 5th Tuesday in a given month. We meet on the second floor of the VAMC, 2201 N Broadwell Ave, Grand Island, NE in the Recreation Center from 7 - 8 p.m. As a token of our "Thank You for their service" we also provide snacks, cookies, toiletries, or other assorted gifts during our visits. Additionally, we also deliver fresh fruit to the veterans residing on the 4th Floor.
What a great program! It's fun, beneficial and greatly appreciated by the veterans enduring their stay in the VA Hospital. Check our events calendar for the next Bingo Night and plan to volunteer. You can even share a ride with other Elks planning to attend, just contact the Chairperson for more information.